Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Do vs. Done

Acts 16:31

'...Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household."

I know it's been a while since my last post- and for that I apologize.  I haven't had a lot of time lately, and I also don't like to post something unless I feel it on my heart to share with you.

Easter has just passed, and while I was at my church last Sunday for the celebration of Jesus' resurrection, my pastor stated something that really stood out to me.  He said "Religion says 'Do', but the Cross says 'Done'".

What does that mean? 

I've been raised all my life in church, and honestly I've battled with the need to be "doing" all my life.  Here's the thing... the bible says according to Acts 16:31-- BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved...   It doesn't say to work your butt off to be a "perfect christian" and you'll be granted salvation.  It does go over many guidelines for Christians to follow, and it specifically lists what God defines as sin.  But, if you sin, does that mean your not saved anymore?

Romans 10:9-10
'If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.'

Jesus paid the price for our sin once and for all by CHOOSING to give His life for us.  He lived a perfect and sinless life-- because He knew that we couldn't be perfect.

So why does religion tell us to constantly do this and do that?  I know I can't be perfect- it is virtually impossible.  If I had the ability to be perfect, then Jesus wouldn't have to have died on the cross.  Maybe it's a gimmick of a guilt-trip to get you to come back to church, or maybe it's just that the leaders are trying to lead the way but they themselves don't understand the scriptures... Or maybe nobody is perfect and we can't get it across the way we intended it to.

So, if you believe Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, then you really ARE saved.  However, the next step of faith and being a christian is GROWTH.  That's where I believe "doing" comes in.  I don't  think you lose your salvation if you mess up, because everyone sins- and just because we become a christian doesn't mean that we're never going to sin again.  It just means that we're forgiven.

I believe the next steps are building a relationship with Jesus.  I think if you really believe with your heart, then you believe the Bible as well because it is from God.  I think you will want to know more about God and the plans that He has for you, and this requires study, and obedience to His commands that has been clearly written in the Bible.

So for all you perfectionists out there-- don't stress so much over trying to be perfect- just keep working at it, keep seeking God through prayer and reading your Bible...  Following Him will never lead you in the wrong direction.

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